

The Butte Pride Foundation is committed to creating inclusivity in our community. Your support makes impactful differences in the lives of you, your friends, neighbors, and family members. Every dollar helps us achieve our goal of a vibrant, thriving community with events and resources that uplift and support LGBTQ2S+ people in Butte-Silver Bow.

  • Donations will be put towards costs for putting on events that create safe spaces for local LGBTQ2S+ people and allies, including our main Pride Festival the first Saturday in July. In the future we hope to provide more resources and social groups as well.

  • Yes, we are! Donations to us are tax deductible and if you would like a receipt of your donation please reach out to us on our contact page or at! Our EIN is 93-4910005.

  • That’s okay! Monetary donation isn’t the only way to support us! Come to an event, spread the word about us, follow our social media, or even send us a message with an idea for an event or resource you would like in the community!